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The helpfulness of the person taking your service call
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2 - Satisfied
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4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Knowledge of the person answering your service inquires
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2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Did the technician arrive when you were told they would
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2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Were you informed of any issues in regards to your call
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2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Supply Orders
How do you rate your satisfaction with Advanced Office Systems, Inc. on...
The helpfulness of the person taking your supply order
1 - Very Satisfied
2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Knowledge of the person taking your supply order
1 - Very Satisfied
2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Did your supplies arrive when you were told they would
1 - Very Satisfied
2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Were you informed of any backorders
1 - Very Satisfied
2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Considering everything, how would you rate the products, service and support you receive from Advanced Office Systems, Inc?
1 - Very Satisfied
2 - Satisfied
3 - Somewhat Satisfied
4 - Somewhat Dis-satisfied
5 - Dis-satisfied
6 - Very Dis-satisfied
Lastly, we want to provide the highest level of products and service available. What suggestions do you have that would help us better satisfy your needs? Please be as specific as possible. If you are completely satisfied, we would like to know that also
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