HP Photosmart 325 Compact Photo Printer
SKU: HP Photosmart 325 Compact Photo Printer (hp Office Products)
Bringing your camera? Grab the cool little Photosmart 325 too. Discover the gratification of not only capturing great moments but of immediately "developing" and passing them around.
HP Photosmart 375 Compact Photo Printer
SKU: HP Photosmart 375 Compact Photo Printer (hp Office Products)
Are you a digital photographer on the go? Print, and share your best images at all your destinations—without a computer—with this handy, lightweight, mobile printer.
HP Photosmart 375B Compact Photo Printer with internal battery
SKU: HP Photosmart 375B Compact Photo Printer with internal battery (hp Office Products)
Are you a digital photographer on the go? Print, and share your best images at all your destinations—without a computer—with the handy, lightweight, mobile Photosmart 375B. Internal battery included.