4 Ways to Save Energy at Work Right Now
Your energy bills add to your business’ overhead. By making a few simple changes around your office you can reduce your costs and free revenue to build and strengthen your business. Going green never felt so good! Here are a few simple tips:
1. Update Your Tech. This not only includes energy saving computers and printers, but your whole office. Do you have a microwave or a refrigerator in your break room? It might be time to upgrade to an Energy Star model!
2. Sayonara Screen Savers. Screen Savers may prevent damage to your screen but often use as much energy as a computer fully in use! Try setting your computer to sleep mode when you are away from your desk. And if you are leaving your computer overnight, shut it off completely.
3. Work From Home. Can your employees adequately do their jobs from offsite? If so, it may be a great cost-saving initiative to be flexible about work-from-home days! Think about this: if your employees work from home just one day a week, you could reduce your energy costs by as much as 20%! Your employees may appreciate the flex time as well, creating a better working environment overall.
4. Call It A Day. Staying late at the office and burning the midnight oil might seem like a good idea… until you get the oil bill! Sometimes the best business decision you can make is to call it a day.
Looking for more ways to build a greener office environment and save money along the way? Allow our green solutions experts help you out! Why not give us a call?